Matching JoJo Maman Bebe Brothers

I received a JoJo Maman Bebe catalogue though the post today who's latest promotion is entitled #JoJoTakeTwo. For those of you who don't know me, you may have gathered from photos posted that I was a huge fan of dressing my boys in the same gear (usually from JoJo). Seeing this multi buy offer with a photo of two brothers with their arms lovingly wrapped round each other was like a knife through the heart.

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My advice to any mothers with boys is to dress them the same as much as possible, especially in public areas. Not only does it have the advantage of being able to quickly scan the play park for one outfit to locate one's own offspring, but if the elder of the two is being somewhat heavy handed with 'play', onlookers, instead of looking alarmed and frantically scanning the mums to find the one responsible for the "terribly rough child", see the outfits and pass the event off with a shrug and a smile saying, "it's alright, they're obviously brothers". Come on mums, you know I'm right!!

Jesse hero worshipped Skye and would never got dressed in the morning before checking what Skye was wearing and then insist upon the same. Although Skye used to roll his eyes, he secretly loved the fact that Jesse wanted to be just like him.

Our family will never be complete again when one of the two bros is missing.

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