Delay due to infection

Skye's needs continue to dominate daily life, but everything seems entirely normal. He has been attending school on a daily basis for the past two weeks, albeit only for two hours each day. This has been a really important opportunity for him to socialise and integrate with his class mates. An assessment by his hospital teacher and by his class teacher has confirmed that he is on track, which is really encouraging. There are obviously areas where he has lagged behind, but these have been identified and will be targeted during the summer holidays with private tuition. It has therefore been decided that despite missing the entire Foundation year, he will continue through to Year 1. Sally has been doing a fantastic job of inviting friends round to play after school in order to strengthen relationships so that integration in September is easier. Last week we received the news that the hospital were ready to have Skye back in. They felt he was doing well enough to be able to withstand the next onslaught. So it has been a bit of a mad panic to get everything in place. Sally has to assume that she will be in until July, so lots of things to do and obviously wanting to make the most of her time out of hospital. It has been a treat having Skye at home. He has been plucky and funny, and making steady progress. He has started nibbling on bits and pieces, which is a great step in the right direction. On Monday we went in to have a few tests done ahead of the start of High Dose - Lumbar Puncture, Kidney Ultrasound and Chest X-ray. All went well, but a lingering urinary infection for which he has been on antibiotics has unfortunately delayed the start of chemo. So we are back home and planning more time at school etc. Quite difficult when we are all geared up to then delay but it is the sensible decision from a clinical perspective. We have to visit the hospital daily for intravenous antibiotics, but not a disaster. Our new start date is the 28th May.
