Hair Loss

Sally and I have appreciated all the support we have had. Skye is, at present, as well as we could hope. On Friday we saw the first signs that his hair was thinning and overnight on Friday, huge chunks came away from his head. We had little choice but to get rid of the remaining hair, and I decided to join him. There has to be some advantage to losing my locks, and I have set up a Just Giving page to raise money for Cancer Research UK. We have targeted a modest sum of £100 as we do not yet know what the future holds, and what sort of fundraising we might have to do in order to ensure Skye receives the optimum treatment in future months and years, and don't want to exhaust people's sense of charity at this early stage. As a result, we are not wanting donations in excess of £2! There are so many different charities doing such good work for children's cancer and brain tumours in particular, and of course the Children's Hospital who have supported us so well, but it is too soon for us to know who to support more fully at this stage of the process. Skye took great delight in wielding the clippers! The photographs tell the story.
