Follow The Child - Planning and Having the Best End-of-Life Care for Your Child

It has been an absolute honour to have assisted Sacha on this wonderful resource to help break the barriers of such a taboo subject, yet one of life’s most important - how to have a good death. It is not necessarily a ‘best seller’ in number of copies sold (thank goodness), but for a family facing the subject matter, there will be no finer book to read.

Sacha Langton-Gilks explains the challenges, planning and conversations that can be expected facing the death of a child from illness or a life-limiting condition. Practical advice on how to work with healthcare professionals, drawing up an Advance Care Plan, and how to move care into the home if you wish, sit alongside frank observations of how things worked for other families who have faced this situation.

Empowering and reassuring, this book helps families and young people themselves plan the best possible end-of-life care.

Buy Now £13.99 from Amazon Smile

Blue Skye Thinking