He Lives In You

Two voices are often at odds inside my head. The harsh, fiercely practical one that believes that once you’re gone, you’re gone, devastating though it is and nothing can make up for the abyss that is left behind. The other, a strong sense that there is more to life than we can ever comprehend and that absolutely no-one can be certain of anything. That voice tells me that every single life has an impact on someone else’s while forming, living and after, perhaps the later even more so.

Yesterday was another anniversary to remind us of those last few hours we shared with our darling boy. It is so hard to know how we will feel but we spent a beautiful day in Bladon at Skye’s graveside, enjoying the wonderful playground that has been built by the community and of course the magnificent grounds of Blenheim Palace.

In the evening, I was reading the penultimate chapter of Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince to Jesse and a paragraph really jumped out at me…

“He is gone Harry, gone.”

“He will only be gone from the school when none here are loyal to him,” said Harry, smiling in spite of himself.

If I am honest, although I have played the following track hundreds of times over for the boys in a vain attempt to bring reason and hope into our lives, I have never really believed it myself but now, when I see glimpses of Skye in his brothers, I will perhaps accept that Skye does live on.

Thank you for staying ‘loyal’ to Skye and to us in all your kind words and thoughts.

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